Detail of recording studio. Gray acoustic tiles line the walls. A stand microphone and pop screen, a tablet and a laptop, ready for recording.

Bite Size Editions

At the Story Grid Editor Roundtable Podcast, we’ll be taking a break for the festive month. To make sure our subscribers still get a little something from us on our Wednesday posting schedule, we’re making some short episodes on topics that interest us as writers.

The first Bite Size Edition goes up tomorrow, December 5, and features…me!

I’ve made an audio version of my latest article, Thawing the Fiction Freeze. It’s all about how to find your way from story structure to line-level details. Those posts on the Story Grid site are L-O-N-G, and more than one person has wished we could make them more accessible to those who are too busy to sit down and read them.

So I did.

Since I had so much fun finding new theme music and sound effects for my Fiction Freeze post, I went ahead and recorded a second one: Spreadsheet: The Giant Tamer. It’s the tale of how I used Story Grid to edit and finish my novel, Restraint, and why you might want to use it on your novel, too.

Stay tuned for more deep dives into story structure when the Editor Roundtable Podcast resumes full-length, movie-centered episodes on January 7 with my challenging selection, Cloud Atlas.

4 thoughts on “Bite Size Editions”

  1. Just listened to your bit-size brilliance, Anne. I have to say I think I got more out of the post listening to your voice and inflection than reading it, so this is a wonderful thing to do! I look forward to the Giant Tamer audio version and more. And I think the way you talk about finding the details that illuminate genre and controlling ideas really will resonate with memoir writers as well as novelists. It’s a post for writers of many genres, both fiction and non. Thanks for doing it.

    1. Thanks, Shelley! I know I learn things very differently–and learn very different things–between reading and listening, and it occurred to me just how many people really might benefit from an audio version. So the other Roundtablers and I are going to record many of our Fundamental Fridays blog posts.

      Funny thing: thinking about audio recording in advance also changes how I think about what I’m writing. It’s a whole new world!

  2. When I first heard my favorite podcast musical intro “rip” to transition into the first Bite-Size edition, I thought “Oh no!” because I do so look forward to the Editors Roundtable. But I loved it! I try to read the Fundamental Fridays posts, but the email often comes at me when I’m still at work and getting back to it can get lost. So Bite-Size is perfect for catching up! Besides, it’s great to hear the author’s voice. Keep it up on both ends.
    P.S. I’m VERY excited about the new season with the deep dives into your particular study subjects. I find those extremely helpful.

    1. I am DELIGHTED to hear it, Kristi. That was exactly my intention in recording the ones I’ve done so far. I’ll probably make more, because it’s really fun for me to do. I appreciate the feedback a lot. Thanks!

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